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A smarter constructor tactic

(Update (Jan 22, 2018) This version of the constructor tactic was made obsolete in Coq 8.5, thanks to the new backtracking proof engine. In most cases, it should be possible to write simply constructor; rest_of_proof instead of constructor (rest_of_proof).)
The constructor tactic is one of the most basic forms of automation available in Coq. What it does is simple: in order to prove a proposition, the tactic tries to apply each of its constructors in sequence, until one succeeds. In that case, the proof proceeds with all the subgoals generated by that constructor, if any. If no constructor can be applied, the tactic just fails. There is also an econstructor variant, which defers the instantiation of arguments required by a constructor when it can't infer them immediately. Thus, it is the analog of eapply for constructor.
The tactic becomes particularly useful when applied to multiple goals simultaneously, usually in a sequence of tactics separated by the ; operator. Suppose that you can solve each goal in a proof by applying roughly the same tactic, but need a different constructor for each case:

   beginning_of_proof. (* Generates some subcases.*)

   (* Case 1 *)
   apply Constructor1.

   (* Case 2 *)
   apply Constructor2.

By combining the tactics with ; and using constructor, Coq can figure out by itself what needs to be applied for each case, which results in a more concise proof:

   beginning_of_proof; constructor; rest_of_proof.
constructor's method for choosing what to apply is clearly not very sophisticated and does not always work. Sometimes, a proof can proceed by applying multiple constructors, but only some of them will allow the proof to be completed. constructor, on the other hand, will always choose the first that can be applied, which may or may not be the one we need.
Fortunately, there is a more general version of constructor that can be used to solve this problem. If t is a tactic, invoking constructor t will search for a constructor that can be applied to the current goal and allows t to be executed in sequence. Thus, if constructor can't find the correct constructor to apply, you can try to guide the tactic by doing something like
This nice feature, which is currently not documented in the Coq user manual, has already been discussed in the Coq mailing list, and was pointed out to me by David Pichardie.

An example

Let's investigate a specific example to see when this feature could be useful. Here's a definition of standard binary trees in Coq, with elements drawn from an arbitrary type A:

Section Tree.

Variable A : Type.

Inductive tree : Type :=
| Leaf
| Node (t1 : tree) (a : A) (t2 : tree).

If A has a function for comparing its elements, we can use it to implement a function that inserts an element of A in a sorted binary tree while preserving its order.

Variable comp : A -> A -> comparison.

Fixpoint insert (a : A) (t : tree) : tree :=
  match t with
    | Leaf => Node Leaf a Leaf
    | Node t1 a' t2 =>
      match comp a a' with
        | Lt => Node (insert a t1) a' t2
        | Eq => Node t1 a t2
        | Gt => Node t1 a' (insert a t2)

Using Coq, we should be able to prove that an element a always appears in insert a t for all trees t. Formally, a appears in the tree t if it is the label of the root of t, or if it appears recursively in the left or right subtrees of t, which we can promptly define as an inductive proposition:

Inductive appears (a : A) : tree -> Prop :=
| AHere : forall t1 t2, appears a (Node t1 a t2)
| ALeft : forall t1 a' t2,
            appears a t1 ->
            appears a (Node t1 a' t2)
| ARight : forall t1 a' t2,
             appears a t2 ->
             appears a (Node t1 a' t2).

Let's now try to prove our theorem. Here's a first attempt, using the regular constructor tactic.

Theorem insertAppears : forall a t, appears a (insert a t).
  intros a t.
  induction t as [|t1 IH1 a' t2 IH2]; simpl;

  (* We must consider all three places where "a" can go,
     hence the "destruct" *)

  try destruct (comp a a') eqn: H;
  constructor; auto.

Our proof state now looks like this:

  A : Type
  comp : A -> A -> comparison
  a : A
  t1 : tree
  a' : A
  t2 : tree
  IH1 : appears a (insert a t1)
  IH2 : appears a (insert a t2)
  H : comp a a' = Gt
   appears a t1
Clearly, there is no way of solving this goal. The problem is that constructor chose the first constructor that could apply to our conclusion (ALeft in this case), which requires an assumption that isn't available in our context. We can easily fix this problem by using the more general variant.

  intros a t.
  induction t as [|t1 IH1 a' t2 IH2]; simpl;
  try destruct (comp a a') eqn: H;
  constructor (solve [auto]).

Now, Coq attempts to execute solve [auto] for each constructor it tries. This will fail when testing ALeft on our problematic case, causing Coq to skip it and try ARight, which does work and solves the goal.
This smarter variant of constructor is obviously very useful, and it would be great to see it properly described in the Coq user manual as it deserves!


In this case, it would have also been possible to prove our theorem by adding the constructors of appears to the auto hint database.

Hint Constructors appears : core.

Theorem insertAppears' : forall a t, appears a (insert a t).
  intros a t.
  induction t as [|t1 IH1 a' t2 IH2]; simpl;
  try destruct (comp a a') eqn: H;

I tried to find a simple and natural example where just using auto would not be enough to solve the goal, but wasn't able to come up anything better than this. If you can find a better example, please let me know.

End Tree.
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