Parse errors as type errors
Binary numbers are so ubiquitous in Computer Science that
programming languages often have special notations for them. The
most popular one is arguably hexadecimal notation. It is close to
binary representation, since each digit corresponds exactly to
four bits, but it is much more compact. Unfortunately, Coq has no
built-in support for hexadecimal notation. While the language does
allow the user to extend its syntax, this mechanism is not
powerful enough to implement this feature. Coq's own built-in
decimal notation, for instance, is a special case coded directly
in OCaml. In this post, I will show a way to circumvent this
problem by using Coq itself to parse base 16 numbers.
The first thing we will need is a Coq function to interpret
hexadecimal notation. As we've seen previously,
writing such a function is straightforward. The code that follows
is pretty much the same as in our past example, but reworked for
base 16.
Reading numbers
Open Scope char_scope.
Definition hexDigitToNat (c : ascii) : option nat :=
match c with
| "0" => Some 0
| "1" => Some 1
| "2" => Some 2
| "3" => Some 3
| "4" => Some 4
| "5" => Some 5
| "6" => Some 6
| "7" => Some 7
| "8" => Some 8
| "9" => Some 9
| "a" | "A" => Some 10
| "b" | "B" => Some 11
| "c" | "C" => Some 12
| "d" | "D" => Some 13
| "e" | "E" => Some 14
| "f" | "F" => Some 15
| _ => None
Open Scope string_scope.
Fixpoint readHexNatAux (s : string) (acc : nat) : option nat :=
match s with
| "" => Some acc
| String c s' =>
match hexDigitToNat c with
| Some n => readHexNatAux s' (16 * acc + n)
| None => None
Definition readHexNat (s : string) : option nat :=
readHexNatAux s 0.
Our function behaves just as expected.
Example readHexNat1 : readHexNat "ff" = Some 255.
Proof. reflexivity. Qed.
Convenient notation
Module FirstTry.
Definition x (s : string) : nat :=
match readHexNat s with
| Some n => n
| None => 0
This function allows us to write numbers with nice syntax.
Example e1 : x"ff" = 255.
Proof. reflexivity. Qed.
Example e2 : x"a0f" = 2575.
Proof. reflexivity. Qed.
Though slightly awkward, this notation is not too different from
the usual 0x notation present in C and many other languages.
In spite of being simple, this approach has a significant drawback
when compared to languages that understand base 16 numbers
naturally. In those languages, a misspelled number will most
likely result in a parse error, which will probably be caught soon
and fixed. Here, on the other hand, we chose to ignore such
errors. Suppose, for instance, that we mistakingly type 10 with a
capital "O" instead of "0" in our code. Our number would now be
understood as 0.
Example e3 : x"1O" = 0.
Proof. reflexivity. Qed.
Such errors may not be noticed immediately, and will probably
manifest themselves as problems in other parts of the program,
making it hard to track the real cause. It may seem at this point
that we would either have to accept this limitation and live with
it, or need to patch the Coq source code and implement the new
notation by hand. Luckily, a sane solution exists.
End FirstTry.
Putting the type system to work
Check list.
(* list
: Type -> Type *)
As a more interesting example, one can write a function that takes
some piece of data as input and returns a Coq type.
Definition natOrString (b : bool) : Type :=
if b then nat else string.
This idea might seem odd when seen for the first time, but it
enables very powerful techniques when combined with a second key
feature. Coq is a dependently typed language, which means that
the return type of a function can depend on values passed to it as
Definition alwaysZero (b : bool) : natOrString b :=
match b with
| true => 0
| false => "0"
Definition z1 : nat := alwaysZero true.
Definition z2 : string := alwaysZero false.
The Coq type checker accepts the first definition because it knows
that alwaysZero returns a nat when its argument is true, and
similarly for the second one.
Using this idea, we define a function that extracts the value of
an option when it has the form Some a, but returns an element
of some other arbitrary type otherwise:
Definition forceOption A Err (o : option A) (err : Err) : match o with
| Some _ => A
| None => Err
end :=
match o with
| Some a => a
| None => err
The type signature of this function looks weird, but nothing
fundamentally complicated is hapenning here. To see how this
function could help us solve our problem, suppose that the Coq
type checker is able to detect statically that the o argument
passed to forceOption is Some a. In this case, the result type
of the computation will be exactly A, and we will be able to use
it like any other value of A:
Definition f1 : nat := forceOption nat bool (Some 42) false.
If, on the other hand, a None is passed to the function, the
return type will be Err, which is used to signal the occurrence
of an error. Thus, if Err and A are not the same, type
checking will fail and a type error will be issued.
(* Definition f2 : nat := forceOption nat bool None false. *)
(* Toplevel input, characters 43-74:
Error: The term "forceOption nat bool None false" has type
"bool" while it is expected to have type "nat". *)
With forceOption in hand, it is easy to solve our problem. We
begin by defining a singleton type that represents type errors.
Inductive parseError := ParseError.
Now, we are ready for our second attempt.
Module SecondTry.
Definition x (s : string) :=
forceOption nat parseError (readHexNat s) ParseError.
Our new notation behaves as expected on the previous examples. The
type annotations below (: nat) are not mandatory; they are just
there to illustrate that the types match.
Example e1 : (x"ff" : nat) = 255.
Proof. reflexivity. Qed.
Example e2 : (x"a0f" : nat) = 2575.
Proof. reflexivity. Qed.
A parse error will result in a None, which will be translated to
a parseError by forceOption, and therefore will cause a type
error when used as a nat.
Example e3 : (x"1O" : parseError) = ParseError.
Proof. reflexivity. Qed.
End SecondTry.